Rebecca Miller has had a lifelong fascination with letterforms, calligraphy, and typography, working as a filmmaker, animator and graphic designer. She has turned her creative eye to collage and shallow sculptural constructions. These art pieces use letterforms as elements in new, surprising combinations she calls Ligatures.

Conceived in natural wood tones, the surfaces are often painted in neutral hues that deliver clean shadows and patterns across the bas reliefs. When painted in contrasts, the artist draws on her background in graphic design to achieve bold, surprising movements in the compositions. No text, no quote, nor written meaning is hidden in the type layouts. The suggestion of languages, the cascade of ideas, and the beauty of the letterform parts are to be found in the abstractions.

Rebecca is a graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design, majoring in film and video, class of 1978. As a documentary filmmaker, she produced original research on the filmmaker Robert Flaherty and the stonecutter, designer, and calligrapher John Howard Benson. The founder of Optik Nerve, Inc. since 1995, she has produced, directed, edited, written, and designed hundreds of high-impact programs for major corporations, agencies and universities. She began her career in television, working for national broadcasters and the internationally recognized broadcast host, Sir David Frost. She lives in Boston, Massachusetts and Jamestown, Rhode Island and is married to the scientist Donald R. Sadoway.

Her work is represented by the Atelier Contemporary galleries in Newport, Rhode Island and Santa Fe, New Mexico.

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